Ch.7 ~ Like Stray Birds in Hallstatt ~
I happened to know a place like this... 我無意中知曉這樣一個地方。
Then made up my mind to visit it someday... 便決心造訪這人間天堂。
One day I come to the wharf in my dream... 那一日的渡口風急雨涼。
And take a small ferry across the see... 我乘著傳說的小船橫渡瀟湘。
The destination floats over an illusion... 對岸小鎮凌虛飄渺隨波盪漾。
Which takes my breath away suddenly... 而我的感動再也無法隱藏。
How wonderful the way to Heaven is... 原來天堂路是如此蕩氣迴腸。
Though all tourists love Markplatz... 遊客喜愛的馬克廣場我不嚮往。
I stroll along looking for the enlightenment... 只獨鍾湖畔的幻影迷光。
Like an island the town is quietly isolated... 這浮島般靜謐的烏托邦。
As kingdom dominated by the swans... 唯有純潔天鵝有權在此巡航。
Now I show you where the postcard spot is... 接下來且聽我說分詳。
Turn right and go uphill from the church... 從教堂右側小路漫步而上。
You'll see the cat begging for food... 得不到你食物的貓咪有些惆悵。
Do not hesitate, just turn around... 那最經典的角度就等你回頭一望。
But those are too common for Danny... 但凡夫俗子往往是行程滿檔。
Only the stray tour could satisfy me... 怎得我之悠閒在湖上自在徜徉。
The real is unreal, and the unreal is real... 又有幾人能如我縱情欣賞。
Shining glory astonish me at dawn... 黎明時分,我沐浴於金色光芒。
Billions of stars impress me at night... 夜幕低掩,我仰望那銀河穹蒼。
Hallstatt, you see, is Monet's painting. 置身莫內畫框,我已天下無雙。
~ Inglorious Swan Bastards ~
Today I'll reveal a secret of swans... 哈修塔特,寧靜淡泊,天堂彼端。
That they are not as pure as snow... 粼粼波光,天鵝徜徉,如此夢幻。
While taking a boat tour on the see, 航母引領,沉默艦隊,巡弋港灣。
The pension host explained to me... 我吃早餐,他在唱歌,人鵝同歡。
That swans are definitely bastards... 山中乍雨,水淹七軍,湖面變寬。
They view the lake as their country, 民宿草坪,溢成泳池,任鵝游玩。
Any new intruders will be watched... 湖居歲月,戲鴨弄鵝,風和日暖。
They even kill their same species... 直至遊湖,天鵝面目,方被拆穿。
Dead young swans could be seen... 老闆笑說,天鵝之壞,罄竹難撰。
The lady from England also agreed, 占湖為王,魔鬼心腸,天使衣冠。
That the swan is a fierce creature... 有人侵入,勢必跟蹤,監視控管。
They would attack human if angry... 忽地飛越,空中示威,恐嚇遊船。
The biting can even break the arm... 更有甚者,謀殺同類,毫不心軟。
But all swans belong to the Queen... 同船乘客,英國奶奶,點頭搗蒜。
Nobody dares to punish the scum... 她說英國,天鵝咬人,常致臂斷。
What they said destroyed the image, 而且天鵝,均屬女王,沒人敢管。
And made me shiver when I swam... 聖沃夫岡,下水游泳,只敢遠觀。
Though these seemed not so bad... 還好這對,只顧乞食,不會作亂。
It's better not get so close to them... 心裡怕怕,天鵝來了,還是快酸。
Swimming with swan is not fun at all, 惡棍特工,有文為證,認清不晚。
Inglorious bastards now you know... 最後這張,純屬欣賞,與鵝無關。
( be continued)