Ch.17 ~ The Paddle Steamer, Emperor Franz Josef I ~
Those too common I left behind... 普通小爛船就留給凡夫俗子介紹。
What I show you is definitely... 兄弟我介紹的絕對是最強的那一艘。
The most classic one. 這就是天下無雙的法蘭茲約瑟夫一世皇帝號。
That is the nostalgic steamer... 外行人通常只知來聖沃夫岡看熱鬧。
Called "Emperor Franz Josef I". 內行的像我乃瑋才懂得經典的門道。
The ship was born to serve... 這艘蒸氣明輪船是在 137 年前所建造。
The imperial purpose... 直至 2008 年遊客才有機會登船一睹其面貌。
Now it was almost restored... 從前是唯奧匈皇室獨享的尊榮與驕傲。
To meet the modern tourist need. 如今是我乃瑋限定的快意與逍遙。
If you wish to board this ship... 尚方寶艦會帶你到各個碼頭繞一繞。
You have to check the timetable... 船上老船長除了開船還兼賣飲料。
And prepare 1 Euro surcharge. 但此船並不是每一個碼頭都會停靠。
But you know all will be worthy... 明輪船打起的水花掀起白浪滔滔。
For the experience is so unique... 紅白相間的國旗在船尾隨風狂飄。
We disembarked in St. Gilgen... 我們在聖吉爾根下船續把快樂尋找。
To have a cool icecream... 在樹蔭下吃個冰淇淋享受這一刻的美好。
Wolfgangsee is more attractive... 晚餐後再搭末班皇帝號返航起錨。
When accompanied by this ship... 注意搭乘此船須加買一歐元的票。
The imperial glory... 當然,我乃瑋跟皇帝號一起游泳的畫面不可少。
Shines again in Wolfgangsee... 復古風情讓聖沃夫岡更顯如此多嬌。
When the whistle blows... 汽笛聲響起,我的奧匈帝國繼續獨領風騷。
~ Goldenes Dachl, Innsbruck ~
As a famous landmark in Innsbruck... 誰會想大老遠跑來看一片屋頂。
The Golden Roof is quite popular... 雖然這片屋頂似乎遠近都馳名。
But Innsbruck was not on itinerary... 茵斯布魯克本不在計畫的途徑。
All because we got the Eurail Pass... 但國鐵劵用不完變廢紙可不行。
Using it in 4 days within 2 months... 於是丹尼效法紅軍長征跑不停。
Is the rule to enjoy the First Class... 反正是頭等艙要坐就坐個過癮。
Or the Pass would become waste... 先來水濂洞看濕滑落士氣水晶。
Thus I designed a hard 1 day route. 然後兩手空空返回城裡當平民。
We left St. Wolfgang in the morning, 旋即朝瑪莉亞特蕾莎大道挺進。
And transferred to train in Salzburg... 聖安娜紀念柱位於大道的中心。
Finally reached Innsbruck at noon... 面向德國象徵抵抗敵人的入侵。
First we paid a vist to Kristallwelten, 巷子底市塔下方就是黃金屋頂。
Then came back to search the roof. 從前皇帝的包廂是鑲金又包銀。
The small roof was not hard to find... 站在上面看鮭魚一定威風凜凜。
Just follow the hottest tourists line... 丹尼以為這家就是小白馬餐廳。
Built in 1500, it was decorated with... 德文看嘸搞了半天結果變丁丁。
2657 gilded tiles for "Maximilian I"... 原來白馬非馬而是白十字餐廳。
Who was the Holy Roman Emperor. 但有東西可吃丹尼一樣很高興。
The one day trip was kind of hurry... 還可一邊賞鮭一邊看黃金屋頂。
But some leisure had to be created. 連桌巾上頭滿滿都是她的身影。
Next time we won't do it in this way... 就這樣完成提洛省長征一日行。
( be continued)