Ch.18 ♫ ~ Halászbástya, Budapest ~
The fairy-tale Fisherman's Bastion... 這是漁夫堡不是麥當勞鱈魚堡。
Stands flawlessly of white glamour... 漁夫堡跟漁夫有啥關係不重要。
Shining beside the poetic Danube... 反正以同學程度想必也記不牢。
Situated on the Castle hill of Buda... 記得是在布達佩斯別跑錯就好。
It overlooks nearly the whole Pest... 東歐巴黎更勝巴黎莫道君行早。
Combined smoothly in neo-Gothic... 踏遍城堡山就屬這邊風景獨好。
And neo-Romanesque plain style... 國會大廈偕佩斯市區霓裳情挑。
The sand-sculpture architecture is... 白色尖塔同曲轉迴廊羽衣曼妙。
No less than fabulous and unique... 走進童話城堡我只想暮暮朝朝。
Its seven illusory towers represent... 更想天長地久伴此藍色的多瑙。
The seven tribes settled in Hungary. 當年鏖戰急在這岸關山的孤高。
Life would be an unforgiven waste... 彈洞前村壁如今成夢幻之漫道。
If without having any coffee there... 何不坐下啜飲一杯咖啡的特調。
The violinist would come and play... 邊欣賞誰持彩練當空舞之夕照。
Of course some tips you got to pay... 邊陶醉於史特勞斯琴音之繚繞。
As the night falls and a day fades... 浪漫的音符不時在迴旋中跳躍。
It shows a much more romantic face. 光影勾勒出匈牙利最美的線條。
For lovers all gather here and say... 入夜後情侶絡繹來此把愛燃燒。
That I love you, in a charming way... 如此迷幻我想天若有情天亦老。
Oh behold what an amazing grace... 希爾頓的玻璃映射天堂的沙雕。
We stepped on Heaven's stairway... 而我牽著我乃瑋就走在漁夫堡。
~ Café Gerbeaud, Budapest ~
Café Gerbeaud is the most famous... 匈牙利最有名的咖啡當屬劫鏢。
One with long history in Budapest... 歷史超過百年旅遊書都有介紹。
It's situated on the yellow metro line, 劫鏢咖啡店的地理位置非常好。
So the tourists could easily stop by... 就在地鐵站出口一點都不難找。
Gerbeaud faces "Vörösmartyplatz"... 對面的佛羅修馬提廣場蠻熱鬧。
Where is a bustling shopping area... 雕像到底是誰丹尼一定不知道。
The building itself is so magnificent. 找銀行把歐元換福林比較重要。
That the atmosphere turns elegant... 換了福林大搖大擺坐下把腳翹。
We chose the seats under the tree... 酷熱的暑氣在樹蔭下頓時全消。
And ordered cakes like dobos torta... 該店的招牌是核桃糕和千層糕。
Somehow these cakes and coffee... 另外匈牙利鮭之品質亦非常高。
Were too sweet and nothing special. 結果蛋糕太甜讓人有些受不了。
I thought the fame covered the truth. 且隨著我乃瑋進去店裡瞧一瞧。
However, once you stepped inside... 裡頭富麗堂皇不是普通的招搖。
You would be amazed at the beauty. 經典的歷史氣味在空氣中散飄。
Those decoration was quite noble... 雖說有歐洲頂級咖啡廳的外表。
That you felt like staying in a palace. 但是夏天竟然沒有開冷氣空調。
Then I was shocked when checking. 這群貴婦還若無其事地繼續聊。
For the bill turned into 6440 Forints. 最後結帳時把小氣丹尼嚇一跳。
It was almost equalled to 23 Euros. 隨便就要台幣一千果然是劫鏢。
What an expensive CaféGerbeaud! 驚魂甫定快搭電車回去睡午覺。
( be continued)