Ch.20 ♫ ~ Pension Linortner, St. Wolfgang ~
Backpackers all recommended 背包客都說來住「Menkens」最好。
That Pension Menkens was the... 但是丹尼不尬意所以決定自己找。
Best choice of accommodation 不像「Menkens」老遠掛在半山腰。
While staying in St. Wolfgang... 我的「Linortner」就在湖岸邊聽濤。
But I thought it was too high... 離公車站「AU」亦僅有幾步路之遙。
And too far from the Wolfgangsee 因此阿玉不要人云亦云知不知道。
Thus I serached & chose another 雖然半夜有人在碼頭聊天是很吵。
Pension which is called Linortner. 不過房間頗寬敞應有盡有沒得挑。
The Linortner is on the lakeside... 每日清晨在陽台以朝暉滋養愛苗。
And near the wharf and bus stop. 夜晚則摟我乃瑋仰望流星滿天飆。
The view of balcony is splendid... 買瓶可樂嗑花生借問誰比我逍遙。
It's better than that of Menkens... 然而公共空間相對來說就比較少。
Besides, pension Linortner owns 繼哈修塔特再連吃五天小花麵包。
A beautiful private lakeside lawn. 可是所有優點都比不上這個重要。
So you could enjoy the sunbath... 那就是有私人草坪得以享受日照。
Like those white foreigners did... 熱了便跳進聖沃夫岡湖裡洗洗澡。
You could also swim with swans, 時而與天鵝擦身而過並四目相交。
And appreciate the Bikini ladies... 時而欣賞奧地利鮭魚的優雅姣好。
These enjoyment wasn't possible 如果眼睛吃冰淇淋身體還像火燒。
If you choose the hot Menkens... 那就來根冰棒將境界提升至最高。
Just stop following others' steps... 聖沃夫岡要像丹尼醬玩才是王道。
( be continued)